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I've got the same one for years. My father bought it on a flee market in Amsterdam for me, and I fell for it immideatly... Mine is black. I just Googled "Mosda" and to my big surprise you're post was the only hit...
I will keep this little gadget for ever.


It seems likely that the reason is that it only works for a very small number of sheets. Staples work for even 30 pages -- this wouldn't.

These failed for the same reason we all do not drive a Masarati
I have had mine for over 40 years.

Robert Hart

I just found this in a dumpster. Does anyone know how much it is worth?


Don't know but I wouldn't give up that day job just yet.

Mark Jerling

I have a grey one, in mint condition. Found it in Montreal, Canada. A friend of mine has a black one, in South Africa.

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