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Great book! It looks like the 'Top Symbols and Trademarks' series edited by Franco Maria Ricci in the seventies : http://www.typogabor.com/logotypes/index.html

BTW, your weblog is really great. So many books to discover...


Thanks for the comment Romain. ProEto is great, reminds me I've other stuff stashed in our loft to be blogged; Futurist Manifestos and a book of Mayakovski's Poetry, amongst other things. Also, not only is that link to "Top Symbols..." excellent, there's a superb section on Herb Lubalin: http://www.typogabor.com/herb-lubalin/index.html


Oh, I love this book. I bought it used on Alibris a few years ago after I perused a copy we had at the studio I worked at, and I had to have my own. Its such an amazing eye candy book. Great find. I paid a lot more than £5 for it.

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