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Joe Moran

Hey Ace Jet,

Good stuff!

I've been watching for a while. Really enjoy what you "see."

Keep up the good work, sir! Aces high!

Very Respectfully,


Beautiful blog! I just found your blog today and I'm loving scrolling through your recent posts. Your "Found Type Friday" idea is brilliant - can't wait for next week's...


Just tried to send you an image of some type I found in a vintage desk, but am having trouble e-mailing you through the "e-mail me" link in your "about" section. Perhaps it's my fault... I may post it in my blog tomorrow for you to check out.



Sorry you're having difficulties getting that image through. I've sent you an email so try replying to that, or let me know when you're posted it and I'll lift it from your blog.

Big thanks for taking part!

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