Hey it worked! My request for contributions, while not triggering a massive response, has resulted in this excellent example from Susan, from across the pond – quality is always better than quantity. Susan found this in a Danish desk that she'd bought with her husband a few years ago.
Big thanks to Susan for being my first guest contributor to this spot.
If anyone else would like to contribute, try using Email Me in my About thing. If that doesn't work, and it didn't for Susan, leave a comment and I'll give you alternative route.
Hi Richard
I emailed you earlier today with a (possible) contribution to Found Type Friday - though I think it may have disappeared in the ether?
Posted by: davidthedesigner | 23 November 2006 at 01:48 PM
David, it hasn't disappeared. It'll be online for Friday. Thanks for taking part.
Posted by: richard | 23 November 2006 at 11:10 PM