So last Thursday we took a bleary eyed flight from Belfast to London to see the Fletcher Exhibition. (Up at 3.30am for a 6.15am flight!)
Not surprisingly then our first stop was for breakfast. Because we like their branding, we went to Smith's of Smithfield. Now we like their double bacon and fried egg sandwiches too. Should know, but can't remember, who did the branding (anyone know?) but it's nicely carried through. The place is run by John Torode, the surly faced chef from the BBC's MasterChef Goes Large (although he looks quite cheerful here) and while the fodder was excellent and very welcome, they wouldn't give me one of their ashtrays, which was a bit tight.
Fortified, we jumped on the Tube for Tower Hill.
(By the way, we didn't drink that beer, just spotted it in the bin outside).
Actually, I should add now a very special thanks to Kenney and Mark for paying for, well, pretty much everything.
Bonbon (?!) did the bottles and stuff. Not sure if they did it all.
Posted by: Ben | 11 December 2006 at 11:05 AM
Thanks Ben. It's not clear from their website but I'd guess they did the whole thing.
Posted by: Richard | 11 December 2006 at 02:17 PM