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This could be one of the tagged meme things, because one thing you probably don't know about me is that I used to have a studio (or, to be more precise, deskspace in a studio) above Zwemmers bookshop. But not the big one in Charing Cross Road - the smaller one round the corner in Litchfield Street.

And something that you may not know about Zwemmers is that when they also published books, they were the only UK publishers to set their spine titles reading bottom to top (the European way), rather than top to bottom.


Nice location David. Wasn't that Zwemmer's art shop on Litchfield Street?

Excuse me if you disagree but I dislike that bottom to top this considerably. Although I understand the thinking, I think it's just wrong.


Yep, that's the one - 24a Litchfield Street (well that was the office address, though the art shop was number 24). Another little known fact is that the upper floors also used to be the studio of Alan Aldridge (before my time, obviously).

As regards the title thing, I'm a confirmed European, so I can take it both ways.


Do you consciously use double entendres? It seems to me that you're always trying to slip one in.

Damn! You've got me doing it now.


Yep, I think if I keep at it I'll eventually reach the standard of the other David and his number 2 passage quip http://acejet170.typepad.com/foundthings/2007/02/found_type_frid.html#comments


Very good. Keep it up.

sabine brandt

This is cool and very inspiring!

Christopher Murphy

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who buys books for my wife then "nicking them back later".

busy bossy


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