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Pity, the one on the right is much better.


Nice posters!


They’re all great, though if I had to pick one I’d also go for the far right, too, I like its balance and the way the eye is drawn towards the sign, which then provides enough of a hook to read the paragraph text.

I’d be tempted to avoid the middle one, though only because it reminds me a little of anti–smoking campaign posters and I think this association may turn people off it before they bother to look closer. (Unless it’s just me that sees this link.)

Incidentally, does anyone know how to go about obtaining the rights to screen this film? It’d be ace to show this in the Isle of Man, I’m sure most of my designer friends would be up for watching it.


Thanks for your thoughts Stef. The anti-smoking reference hadn't occured to me but it's a very good point. Although it's one we might just ignore for now as we like the weirdness of the discrete/odd/ambiguous message.

Anyway, you should see the other one! It's brilliant and cunning in the extreme. I'll post it soon.

Regarding showing the film: I'm not sure how you'd go about "getting the rights to show it" at the moment. Gary is basically travelling the world with it. Where he goes, there the film goes too. Not sure if he's letting it out his sight. You can email him through the film's website to start with (that's what we did).

We were lucking in that he happened to be in Dublin so it was just a matter of persuading him to come a hundred miles north to Belfast.

By all accounts he's a top bloke so drop him an email and see what he says. Don't worry if it takes a while for him to reply, he's busy travelling the world!

Good luck.


v. nice work.
dare i say i prefer 1 on right too! :0)

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