Here we are then; this Friday Gary Hustwit is popping up the road to show us his film: Helvetica: The Greatest Story Ever Told. And oh, we're so excited!
But if you think we're excited now, just wait until we're at the other end of Helvetiweek.
If anyone's got any amusing Helvetica-related anecdotes or dramatic Neue Haas Grotesk stories, do tell; following last week's request for stuff I've had next to naff-all, except for the rather exciting promise of Neue Grafik spreads from Joe Kral.
So this week I'm going to feature just Helvetica-related stuff and nonsense, with the emphasis on "related", meaning it's not necessarily going to be just a load of Helvetica. I'm hoping it's going to be OK.
I saw a sticker once that said "Helvetica Light – just say no!" It was from a melbourne type / design studio in protest over the over use of the face in property ads . . . I thought it was funny.
Sam Bell passed your site on to me. Cool.
Posted by: Chris Dixon | 28 June 2007 at 04:22 AM