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Christopher Murphy

Thanks so much. It's worth noting (publicly) that we wouldn't have brought 'Helvetica' to Belfast if it weren't for the persistence of one Mr Weston (purveyor of this fine blog). His regular reminders that I needed to chase up Mr Hustwit did the trick.

I also appreciated Gary, a truly down to earth and likable person, taking time out of his busy schedule to come to Belfast.

All in all it was a very enjoyable night. It was great to see a sizable and dedicated design audience attending, proving that we have a well established, growing design culture in Belfast. Long may it continue.

The top moments for me? The aforementioned Michael Beirut on Coke's advertising (very, very funny). In fact Beirut's comments on corporate branding in the 60s and 70s were all very funny, not to mention on the ball. Mr Spiekermann, down to earth with a bang, always a knockout with a Belfast audience. Last, but not least, Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones - exactly how I'd imagine them to be.


Great review.

How do we get this film to London then? Is it already coming? Can Mr Weston pester Mr Hustwit for me?

so young, so pretty

We need someone like you in London to organise a screening down here.


Gary's showing the film at BritDoc in Oxford (July 25-27). I'd suggest someone tries to get him to London either side of those dates. We just took advantage of the fact that he was already in Dublin.

I'm amazed there isn't a London date already. Anyone can email him through the film website. Stephen Coles organised a screening in the US and he said just do that but be patient; Gary's all over the place at the moment.


I attended the Belfast screening..great turnout and a good show even if it were a little geeky in places. Interesting to see the arguements for and against helvetica throughout the doc. I was still left undecided at the end whether I loved it or hated it yet my badge told me I hated it.

Highlights- Spiekermann, the Freitag bags and the soundtrack was excellent.

Belfast needs more talks like this and with a great new lecture theatre..there is no excuses.

Had to laugh at the prizes..Im convinced someone sneaked next door into the mac lab and pulled off the 3 weights off a student machine for the giveaway.

comprar abercrombie

Muchas gracias. Vale la pena mencionar (públicamente) que no nos han traído 'Helvetica' a ​​Belfast si no fuera por la persistencia de un señor Weston (proveedor de este blog muy bien). Sus recordatorios regulares que necesitaba para perseguir a Sr. Hustwit hizo el truco...

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