Two small boys to entertain so we find ourselves at another steam railway. The Brucie-bonus being the trappings and remnants of a bygone era.
We've been to Downpatrick Railway before, a couple of years ago. It's really good. There's a small but nicely restored station with a workshop and engine shed to explore, and a static buffet car for a cuppa. Everyone's really friendly.
Then it's a short journey down the line to Inch Abbey for a picnic. If you're dead lucky, they'll be a real live monk lurking about in the shadows waiting to jump out and frighten the kids or offer some spiritual guideance, whichever you prefer. Nice.
As usual, if anyone would care to contribute, please do.
Ooh, some nice burnt orange in that top one (I wonder if the bloke who painted it thought that?).
Posted by: davidthedesigner | 07 September 2007 at 10:28 AM
Hey AceJet-
Think you may enjoy my post today about the Typography of Transportation and the flickr set I created...
Posted by: Anne D | 11 September 2007 at 02:50 PM