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My all-time favorite Olympics branding. Cheers!!!

jonathan turner

They were on David McFarline's Flickr. He has a great collection of stamps, well worth checking out.


Thanks Jonathon, that's spot on. David's collection is brilliant.

Andrew Haig

Yep - these are really terrific. Designed here in Oz by Brian Sadgrove.

Bryan Small

Hey i have a stamp that i have not seen here or on the stamp colection links... it is a black Munich 72 Stamp with Gold Olympic Rings in the top left corner with a Horse and Jokey kinda jumping, and it says "20c REPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE" if anyone knows this stamps value or any information can you e-mail me... i also have ALOT more stamps i would like info on


These are wonderful. I've always been an Aicher fan, and really admired the Munich branding. Thanks

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