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Simon Duckworth

Now I've seen the bottom-left map image, I'm never flying again... I'm a grip-onto-the-armrests-for-dear-life-on takeoff-and-landings kind of flyer, and I just imagined what the Heathrow charts might look like!

BTW, Did Ben buy your 'Betteries' concept? It was well worth £10 ;)


Funny, it doesn't put me off. Like when people tell you what goes into sausages, I still can't resist those tasty little blighters. Mmmmm.

And no, he didn't! But if the Design Conspiracy start working for Duracell, you'll know who they have to thank.

Ian Fermor

No wonder avionics are all computer-controlled these days, pilots have THOSE to worry about...

Tom Gifford

They look amazing, I remember being given some pilots maps on a cub scouts' trip to Birmingham Airport many, many years ago and being enthralled by them. By a bizarrely topical coincidence the maps appear to be by Jeppesen who are currently alleged to have assisted the CIA's rendition flights: http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,,2217506,00.html


I think they're rather easy to read and satisfyingly logical. In contrast the low level navigation charts that light aircraft pilots use are fiendishly confusing. No wonder there are hundreds of airspace 'busts' every year...


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