So, the third package (second surprise):
Lord Blog Almighty Russell Davies very kindly sent me this book. Blooming nice of him it was, not least because unknown to everyone probably, FTF is exactly one year old today (well, tomorrow technically). So it's right and proper that it should be a special edition.
There's so much to enjoy here: those extremely lovely Gill engravings, printed as the Good Lord intended them (i.e. letterpress); that mighty - I've never seen one so big - drop cap (below); a nice mix of coated and lovely pulpy uncoated paper and much more.
And look! A nice bit of centering.
So special thanks go to Russell. And thanks to Ben for passing on my address.
All contributions received with great thanks here.
That looks fantastic. Who's it published by? I want to keep an eye out for it.
Posted by: Vicki Brown | 09 November 2007 at 11:05 AM
Brilliant. Nice choice of colours (burnt orange and buff), too.
And happy birthday FTF.
Posted by: davidthedesigner | 09 November 2007 at 11:11 AM
It was published by The Studio Limited in the UK and Studio Publications Inc in the US. Edited by C. G. Holme, this is the third edition (1945), first printed in 1937. Printed in GB by William Clowes and Sons, London and Beccles.
Posted by: Richard | 09 November 2007 at 11:42 AM
Great I have the same book fist edistion from 1937, but my cover looks different.
Posted by: Peter Bruhn | 09 November 2007 at 01:26 PM