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James Mackay

It is lovely, so perhaps your 'uncontrollable' should be 'unaccountable'.
Science News started in 1946, continued until 1960, you'd like its other cover designs too (sorry, I don't have them to send). Whether Tschichold or Schmoller doesn't matter, they were absolutely at one in perfecting this kind of layout - see the 1987 Monotype Recorder of special issue on Schmoller.


It's all about the line lengths.


It's neat that the 2/- (or maybe it's 3/-?) is offset, though. A nice touch that.


Perhaps you're right James. I'm in a mind to seek out other centering that I like.

Do you have that Monotype Recorder? And a digital camera? Bringing those two things together in a special FTF could be beautiful.

Only have a couple of old MRs myself. Sadly have lost the special Gill edition from around the same time.


here's something for you compare - Mathematician's Delight by W.W. Sawyer in the Tschichold Pelicans.

1951 http://www.flickr.com/photos/scatterkeir/1746966689/in/pool-penguinpaperbackspotters/


the latter seems to have been reset primarily to centre the text.

The had such great attention to detail and pride in those days - I've seen covers from the 60s and earlier that seem to have been reset for very small details, like changing the typeface of the price or moving it a little, rather than waiting for a price rise. By the late seventies they would reprint with design elements more than five years out of date, like narrow SBN numbers, and not bother to change them.

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