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He liked to spice things up a bit, did that Gerald Cinamon. And he's still around (or at least he was in 2005) and promoting the cause - see http://www.ejf.org.uk/seminar2005.html . I doubt that he has a blog, though.


No, Lesley Blanch actually meant the title to be "round". Odd.


Fun finds.


Makes me think of Helmut Schmid and his aversion to cap's. Yes, that cropping on the pic' is gorgeous. Nice wooden backdrop for the pic's too; nice touch.

The Worst of Perth

The photo crop is excellent.


I like the Facetti Handbooks, especially the early ones with the yellow, like the 'Improve Your Whatever' subseries. The Child's World must be 64 or 65 I guess - such unorthodoxy like big helvetica titles was more common in the main series than the handbooks, I expect, but I haven't really got enough handbooks from this era to tell.

I can't help but wonder what the content of The Child's World is like - it looks more like Pelican material than Handbook.


65 Keir. You win a special prize. Well, you would if I had one to give.

Ricky Irvine

Round, like a dish. Get it?

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