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The Worst of Perth


Graham G

Damn you and your Amazon suggestions - just when I'd cleared out my basket before Christmas! :-)

Oh and Happy New Year!


Oh this really is a superb book, I have the first edition of it, so good to see it back in print!

Graham G

Also, forgot to say, have you seen this: http://www.retrotogo.com/2008/01/new-vintage-typ.html


Nice. But I can see what you're trying to do there. You're just trying to get you're own back on me. Damn you too!


Oh come on, let the kids have them, that's what they're for. Buy another one if you have to, the poor little sods will grow up with a complex about touching Daddy's precious books.


I love them too !
Two other books of Ann & Paul Rand are published in France only since a few years by "L'ampoule" (http://www.lampoule.com/lampoule.html).

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