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I'm a huge fan of vintage penguin books, my wife brought me the membership for Xmas. My current collection must be up to about 300 books mostly the green or orange colors, but with a smattering of blues, browns and yellows. Mostly picked up from relatives back in blighty or from ebay auctions, although the exchange rate is making ebay and book shipping pretty prohibitive these days. Most people think I'm insane when I explain that I don't really buy them to read, but more for the design and the collecting (once day when I retire I will sit down and read all of them I'm sure). If you're a collector, I'm just putting together a pet project site where collectors can catalog and manage their collections, include the ability to upload cover photos or scans (or just use an existing upload). I want to launch with just my collection to get the ball rolling, but I need a good weekend or two to do the scanning. I'll touch back when it goes live and let you know the url.


Yes. Good. Very nice.

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