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Beautiful! I think I might submit something. Do you have to be a resident of the UK to participate?

Wil Freeborn

What a great cover, good luck!


Hope you paid fully for your Getty pic. They're busy suing half the web at the moment over using their images.


Good point Dave and one I haven't neglected; right from the start I've been working with Getty directly. Having said that I've still had reason for concern, what with the way images get passed around blogs. I was thinking of doing a blog entry about it.


If you do a search for 'Getty Images letter' you'll read about how in the last year or so they have been using debt collection agencies and their legal eagles to fire out tons of letters demanding damages for images used that belong to them. They are using a new software firm to find images. Most are on website years old and images people have used that they found via the likes of google images with no watermarks whatsoever.

It is not just a matter of removing the images or registering them- they are demanding thousands in damages from companies. And of course web designers and ISP's are getting these knock on demands for money. A simple mistake made in the early days of the internet that can totally wipe you out financially. I used 2 small images in a website done years ago that I found via google - one of a stethescope and the other of an xray image, and Getty has issued damages of £12,000! I have used Getty legitimately before many times but I would never use them again and encourage any designer to avoid them on the back of these tactics.

Thom Wong

The rest of the competitors seem to have lost the plot - yours is clearly the best by a country mile. Two country miles even. Well done.

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