And this is only the Old Series!
David Sames has an amazing (damn him), enviable collection of print/type/ephemera (including many, many more Penrose Annuals than I have). But for me, there are few things more interesting than Typographica (not to be confused with the very excellent Type blog of the same name, for those unfamilier, of course) and it's reasonably accessible thanks to Rick Poyner's 2001 (reprinted 2005) Anthology. That said, there's no substitute for the real thing is there?
To complete David's set he's just missing Issue 6. If anyone's got one spare he'd be happy to trade with any of the following: OS 1, 4, 5, 10, 15/NS 9, 10, 12, 14, 15. Leave a comment and I'll pass on your details.
(Yes, he's got spares! Double damn him!)