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You've really got me thinking now, Richard: is the man from Rainham Sheds dangling or waving?


Waving like no one has ever waved before.


Maybe he's not waving, maybe he's drowning?


Golly that was wordy. You break it up a bit with some pictures of chickens. I love the chickens.


The chickens will be back on Monday. Stay tuned.


Rainham Sheds is almost a Monty Python bit... the intensity coupled with shot after shot of sheds.

Or maybe it's just making me think of Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson.


Great! I write my longest, most insightful post and all you're interested in is the bloody sheds!



Hahaha... to be fair, I am actually more interested in the business talk. I just couldn't help it. I mean... SHEDS!

I'm pretty ignorant of marketing strategies in general... I had never heard anything about a line before, let alone one's proximity to said line. The Marketing Manifesto looks like something I should pick up, for sure. My business has always just relied on a sort of karmic force... every time I think about doing promotion, jobs start popping up. But I could stand to have more jobs... and better jobs...


You're right of course...sheds...brilliant.

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