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Bliss - just bought my tickets - will the posters be available for swiping?


Hope so Andy but it's not definite right now.


Is that a humble way of telling us you designed the posters? The Digital Futures one is lovely.


Well, yes. I was particularly pleased with that one, it's deceptively simple. I did the other one first and had this idea that because it was for designers I'd restrict what I'd do, kind of under design it, so kept it monochrome. Not sure if that's paid off really but when you see it straight on it does have a good depth, like looking into a box or empty room. It's more of an idea, Digital Futures is more of an effect.


Is it bad that the first thing I saw on that place-making poster was that the hyphen appears to be more of an en dash? ;)

I really like the Digital Futures one, it's gorgeous, has a sort of lenticular feel to it. Love the way the type slots into the (base)line grid, too.


Ha! Well spotted. But don't you think there's some irony to using an en-dash for a hyphen instead of the oh-so-common other way around? (It's the revenge of the en-dash!) In this case, and in my defense, I'd suggest this is a case of "learning the rules before breaking them" in that I felt it needed that longer mark to look right (even though I knew it was wrong).

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