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The text below the red stamp says that "even one glass is too much."


The text on the stamp says "Even one glass is one too many", makes more sense now?


Stumbled across an interesting article on Britain’s first brand, this morning.


Thanks for the translations (I kind of knew that really. Kind of knew the East Germans weren't that silly).

Bert Vanderveen

Yeah, but Germans are silly in the sense that they — and especially working men — absolutely don‘t shy from having a half liter of lager for breakfast.
In fact it used to be included in the contract at factories and so on that the employees would get acertain amount of beers, spread over the day and starting with breakfast.

Makes for a happy workforce, one would think…


First and foremost was the state GDR (East Germany) in the responsibility to teach his people for a better world. And we used each possibility for communication action. Paper was very scarce. So we used stamps - which of course also have been paid by the people himself - as a warning sign. Very clever and also very beautiful.


Hi Robert, many thanks for your comment. Yes, they are beautiful stamps. Finding quite a few really amazing stamps from GDR.

Lynne, Tea for Joy

Ooh - love these stamps - very bold!

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