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Daniel Neville

Thanks for reminding me about this set. I've always wondered if this aesthetic could somehow be adapted to today's breakthroughs in science - CERN, Genetic Engineering, Nanotechnology, the Internet, Time Travel. Wait, I've said too much.


Thanks so much guys!

Both of us love this site, so its a real pleasure when we get projects listed on here.

It should be noted that we're openly asking for people to get involved in the guessing of who might have designed a lot of these ads. We know thats a huge task and perhaps an impossible one, but we think that with the amount of burgeoning design historians coming up on the internet these days that we really think we can attribute a couple of these to the right people, and at least have an interesting dialogue in the meantime.

And thanks for that great link to the Design Feast site as well.

-Derrick and Katie (BustBright)


Hi Derrick and Katie,

It's an absolute pleasure. it's amazing work. And thanks for kind words. Good look with identification.

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