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Bert Vanderveen

Most wonderful was that Munken made all of those woodstructures available for download (At least they did that for Dutch designers, but it was probably a universal promotion).
I still have them and even have used some for print jobs.


They were great Bert. Unfortunately for me, they're not available anymore and I didn't download them at the time.


There is a great article in the latest issue of eye magazine about the design for GF Smith. It shows examples of stuff from the 60's and 70's through to the work by SEA. There is always a lot to be said for building a strong working relationship with one agency for organisations like paper companies, as you say consistency is important. Either that or you have a good set of guidelines and just select the best design agencies that can do something creative with the brand while retaining some kind of link between the work.


GF Smith swatch books really are beautiful <3

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