I'm pretty sure it was Antonio at AisleOne who, unknowingly, pointed me towards Display; Kind Company's archive of important graphic design books. Some for sale, some not; like these amazing things. With cover designs by Yves Zimmermann, these copies of the Swiss Typo/Printing magazine Typografische Monatsblätter (or just TM for short) were published in 1958. Earlier this year Grain Edit featured some slightly earlier, equally superb cover designs for TM from 1956. And Jonathan (Insect54) Turner has copies from '68 on flickr.
We've got a few from the early 50s here as well:
I think I've got more photos of them somewhere else as well...I'll have to dig for them.
Posted by: bustbright (Derrick Schultz) | 18 January 2010 at 09:36 PM