GF Smith are selling limited edition prints of photography they've used for their promotional material. John Ross's inky blobs are lovely. And I really like Lee Furnell's Flowers. Not sure about Rankin's stuff though. (If I was Tweeting this I might have added a #whataloadofshite hash tag to that last bit. But I'm not. So I won't.)
Hi, love the comments. Thank u 4 spreading the word. Have put your blog post up on a Facebook page we are building at the moment. Born on 8th March, early days 4 Editions, there seems 2 B a lot of interest. We hope graphic designers appreciate it. Lots of positive comments on Lee Funnell's stuff. RobM - Editions from GFSmith.
Posted by: Robert Mannix | 25 March 2010 at 05:24 PM