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Ákos Polgárdi

Hi there,

I've spotted this book already in your post of February 25. Is this the one with Gustave Doré's illustrations? If so, the pictures of the East End should be very interesting. Anyhow, great catch.



Hi Ákos,

No, this isn't the one with illustrations by Doré. Although I expect that one's amazing; Doré did astonishing work didn't he?

The illustrations for this (published in 1943) were done by Charles Augustus Pugin and Thomas Rowlandson. Worth mentioning too that the cover design was by William Grimmond

Ákos Polgárdi

Yes, Doré is quite amazing. Your copy is beautiful nevertheless. I particularly like the (typographically slightly eclectic) cover and the title page.


A very sweet book! It is so hard to find this kind of great book sitting around in the USA. Makes me long for a long holiday in Europe. Thanks for the great images.

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