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Mandeep Khunkhuna

This museum is a great find. I really do like the retro style of the packaging. Of course at the time is wasn't considered retro but I do like the design elements used. For example the tri-ang box uses the diamond patterned background with just a simple block colour with the main information on it. You would rarely see a piece of merchandise or toy box looking like this today. Thanks for sharing this.

Sherbert Lemon

How wonderful! A beautiful selection here. In particular the 'Chemistry 3' set, with it's swiss typography influences written all over it.


Hello Richard. My blog reader has been broken for weeks and I'm just catching up. This looks amazing. We were very close to it the other week, d'oh. We also passed the National Memorial Arboretum and wondered what was in it, so thank you for you report. Will go next time.


Hi Anne,

Both are definitely worth seeing if you're in the area. Check out the Book Barge too if you're at Barton Marina. The Museum is really just one room upstairs in the shop but we were in it more ages. The NMA is just five or ten minutes away and it's huge.

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