David (davidthedesigner) Hyde has sent me a lovely box of loveliness that he's designed for The Shapes of Things project; a series of exhibitions, each of which pulls together two artists from diverse backgrounds. You might remember him blogging about this stuff in April; he was, rightly, as pleased as Punch with himself, as I remember. David's been working closely with the craft-based artists involved and has developed a number of legacy booklets, using a variety of formats.
It's an on-going project with two pairs done so far: Alinah Azadeh's The Gifts and Rosa Nguyen's Still Living come together in a flip-over A4 book; while the separate and square formatted ceramicist Halima Cassell and textiler Seiko Kinoshito are held snugly together by a card band - which also serves to carry the exhibition's title details (the covers of the books being unadulterated pure image).