I think Alice is doing OK. Seems fairly happy. She sings a bit and eats nuts. She did a really nice job this week on a branding project. It looked superb. This is her final degree project - her response to the ISTD brief. And a lovely piece of work it is too. You can read all about it here. (Forgive her blogs brokenness, she's working on it).
The lovely elmwood box was made to Alice's spec by Fruitvale Woodcraft.
She's also not as random in her tweets are you are, but that's what makes you special.
Oh and that's one broken blog site, other than that it's very nice.
Posted by: Ian Devlin | 09 September 2010 at 01:47 PM
Good luck to Alice. I remember when I submitted to STD as it was back then. Lovely piece of work.
Posted by: Gerry Simons | 09 September 2010 at 02:27 PM
This is a really nice final degree project. It looks very beautifully crafted. I really like all the colour codes for each section. It ties in really nicely with front page logo/flower.
Posted by: Mandeep Khunkhuna | 14 September 2010 at 09:16 AM