Who knows what particularly nasty rash is combatted by this ointment but there's something modernistically compelling and quite beautiful about the positioning of that red band. Notice too that the rule on which the lion is strolling is positioned exactly vertically central; suggesting either a designer with a precise mind or a happy accident. If you've got a nasty rash and a tube of Fucidin, to apply twice daily, perhaps you could check your box to see if Leo is similarly positioned. Please let me know. Thanks (and I hope it clears up soon).
Such pleasure in small things... I know how you feel.
Posted by: Gerry Simons | 20 September 2010 at 09:53 AM
Combats my daughter's excema and, more recently, a bout of impetigo she picked up from her nursery. I think it may be steroid based so should used sparingly.
Posted by: Kirk McCarthy | 20 September 2010 at 02:02 PM
used it for a bite recently, worked a treat, and sits beautifully in my medicine cabinet.
Posted by: alex | 12 October 2010 at 03:14 AM