Just finalising my work for Bespoke Editions. The personalised inscription still to do. One of the last things I did was to re-establish this fella. Even if you've only seen the classic 70s film there's a good chance you'll remember those cross-country-runner-saving Waterburys getting caught in the tunnel when the train came through. And Peter making an insightful comparison to the fiery mytho-beast.
I'd originally used the Gill-inspired ITC Golden Cockerel Ornament. Then we had some doubts about it's suitability. Partly because of the dragon's association with Wales (no offence Wales, you're just not part of the story). But it's a pretty vivid scene and I'm really happy to see it back.
There's some great stuff about the Golden Cockerel Press on the ITC website, if you want to know more. And, for that matter, if you've never, ever seen the film you've missed a Great British classic. Of course, what you should really do is order yourself a hand-crafted Bespoke Edition (once the project goes live).