I won.
FS Clerkenwell, to be precise. If you follow Fontsmith on Twitter you'd have enjoyed their anniversary typocompetition a couple of weeks back. It was simple but tricky at times: throughout the week snippets from their beautiful 10 years in type anthology teased us with abstracted font features.
I was delighted to win, Clerkenwell is awesome. But even better, I signed up for a copy of the celebratory box set and it arrived at the tail end of last week. It's an amazing thing: superbly printed by Team Impression and stupendously designed by Thompson Brand Partners. Ten booklets tell the stories of ten unique fonts. This morning saw the launch of an accompanying microsite so if you're not able to get your hand on the real thing, you can still learn about Fontsmith's dedication to their craft and find out what makes them such exemplars of the fine art of type design.