This month's UX Belfast Book Club book was 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School. It's not a long book so I'm not going to give too much away except to say it's brilliant and packed full of nuggets of wisdom that work for all manner of creative endeavours, not just the design of building and spaces and stuff. It's an easy read and doesn't cost much so if you think you might be interested, it's not a big commitment - you could read it in about 101 minutes. And you'll probably be better off for giving it that time. If nothing else, you'll know to roll your posters image side out so they sit flat when you take them out again rather than image in and have to deal with that damned outward curl.
And you'll understand the folly of the Dick Van Dyke step.
Chances are, you'll learn much more. I liked it for the rules that span disciplines and also for the insight into how an expert views his/her architecturings. And it provides much food for thought when considering a user experience. Which, of course, was the point of its choice.
Fantastic share :)
Posted by: Nora Reed | 22 December 2011 at 07:35 AM
It's a top little book, I sat in the bookshop and read it cover to cover and still bought it.
Posted by: Ryansyoung | 05 January 2012 at 11:08 AM