It's one of those times when you find yourself with a load of real-life, proper, paying work on and your blog gets side-lined. Even though some really nice people are sending you stuff. Like Luke, who sent me issue two of Boat, the magazine he art directs for the studio-on-the-move-with-the-same-name.
It's an amazing idea. Basically, for one month Boat Studio re-plant themselves into a "forgotten city". They spend their time digging beneath the surface to find the really interesting stories hidden from view. Stories they scoop up and pull together using the magazine as the tactile, inky vehicle to carry those stories out into the wider world.
Bad press victim Detroit was their most recent temporary home. The truth is, as you may know, the Motor City has fallen on tough times since the car industry crumbled. Boat's Erin Spens explains in the magazine's introduction how 25% of the city's population left leaving properties in the hands of criminals and vandals. On the surface, it's grim.
But the bad stuff is only part of Detroit's present and, like anywhere I guess, there's still much to feel positive about. Boat Magazine attempts to capture that positivity; the music, the food, the resilience of the people, the sense of community, the culture and, yes, the kale.
It's a beautiful publication. Nicely printed, great photography, superb typography and intriguing, real-life, optimistic stories.