I interupt my recent maudlin introvertions for some real-life news:
After a full academic year of internship at Thought Collective Nat left us yesterday. In the end of year report she produced we fair well; it's funny and honest and really nice. It's also beautifully designed which Nat attributes, rather graciously, to what she has learned during her time with us.
We're all sad to see her go. She is what The Kids™ call "awesome" and it's been a pleasure to sit next to her and give her all manner of mundane tasks to perform (making the tea, washing the cups, breaking the cups, buying replacement cups). Every task carried out with an amazing degree of enthusiasm, humour, intelligence and all round chirpiness. Really, it's been an absolute pleasure.
The fact that she broke two of my most prized mugs, one of which my wife bought me, should in no way tarnish an otherwise perfect record. No siree.
No, regardless of those low points (low, all over the floor in pieces, moments), Nat's been a top notch intern and I'm sure will go to great things. One to watch.
(Especially if she's just picked up your favourite mug).