Hands up who doesn't love a beach?
Thought so. Everyone loves a beach. Even in inclement weather there's much to entertain you on a beach. Karen is facinated by rock pools and we can spend hours poking around for trapped sea life: hermit crabs, shrimps, the occassional blood sucker, a sea snail here and there. Unidentifiable fish. Once, on the north coast of Ireland, we cornered an enormous jelly fish in a particularly deep and still pool, to study from a safe distance, until we set it free (being careful to avoid contact of course).
I like to comb. For small, pilferable natural phenomena.
Lovely photos, Richard.
Posted by: Dan | 19 July 2012 at 02:00 PM
Thanks Dan.
Posted by: Richard | 19 July 2012 at 02:11 PM