If you follow me on Twitter (What do you mean you don't?) then you may have noticed that every now and then I tweet links to old blog posts. It struck me a while back that there's loads of stuff buried in the archives that many might have either missed or forgotten. On a personal level I've really enjoyed re-visiting all the old stuff. Stuff of days gone by. From back in the day…etc, etc.
Some of the really early stuff, I think, warrants more than just a tweet. Way back then I only posted a few images. This pack of maps for example, from when Czechoslovakia was still a Central European Sovereign State was barely covered.
I picked it up in Prague when I was on my Stag Weekend. By day, we stalked secondhand bookshops; by night we got rat-arsed on Absinth and inexpensive Czech beers. Ah, if these maps could talk…