The new library in Birmingham opened in September. It looks pretty good. Loads of photos here. And there's a thing from BBC Radio 4 here featuring the architect. The old one (pictured here) was famously described by Prince Charles as looking more like a place to burn books than read them. I can remember loving that place. It felt special. It felt important. There's talk of tearing it down now but not everyone sees the necessity; there are other people that love that brutal building. A lot of them can be found hanging around here or on Twitter at @keeptheziggurat.
If you're a fan of architectural brutalism show your support.
Excellent piece, many thanks. Birmingham - like many cities - copped a lot of flak for razing important buildings in the 60s. It would be a shame to repeat the mistake.
Posted by: Johnny | 19 November 2013 at 02:15 PM