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Peter Ashley

The biggest influence must have been on King Penguins. Good find.

James Mackay

The Insel Bucherei were the inspiration more for the King Penguins (good books as nice objects) than Penguins more generally (good books cheaply). But most of the Insel series are just text, the Kings emulated a minority which were primarily illustrations, and, of course, the format. The Insel series is very well documented, in German: look, for example, at this bibliography: http://insel-buecherei.eu/
James Mackay

Simon Hawkesworth

I recently came across a few examples of these in a secondhand bookshop in Berlin, but they seemed a little pricey at the time. Dussman department bookstore in Freidrichstrasse (http://www.kulturkaufhaus.de/)- a must for any bibliophile - has a lovely series of the more recent editions at very reasonable prices.

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